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Book 1
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The weather suddenly changes, and a bright sunny day turns DARK, windy, and rainy! Ella and her little dog Ollie, who were playing, become disoriented and LOST in the woods. Ella could no longer tell which direction was North, South, East, or West—none of the compass points. Ella and Ollie also become separated. Ella is AFRAID of the dark and wants to go home to their little blue house, but, first, she must find her best friend, Ollie! She BRAVELY makes her way through the dark woods and finds him! Once they are reunited, together with many woodland friends, they hatch their plan to find their way home. Their ADVENTURE teaches Ella and Ollie that they can smile and not be afraid of the dark!

Reader’s Favorite

 – Anne-Marie Reynolds


Ella Says – I’m Not Afraid of the Dark! by Anu D. Misa

is a wonderful children’s story. It’s a short story accompanied by some amazing illustrations, bright and colorful, telling the story along with the words. The story is written in nice simple language and is very easy to follow along with. As well as being a story, it also teaches children that they shouldn’t be afraid, especially not of the dark, that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and that having the right friends with you makes all the difference. Picture books are not the easiest to write but this one strikes the perfect balance between narrative and pictures. It is perfectly aimed at its target audience of 6 to 9-year-olds and will delight kids everywhere as it moves seamlesslythrough the story.


Book 2
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Ella gazes up at the sky, thinking the UNIVERSE is such an immense and undiscovered place, bursting with stars, planets, galaxies and possibilities! As she looks, the most amazing thing happens, and it leads to a SPACE travel ADVENTURE through our solar system. Ella, her brother Parker, and her little dog Ollie come to the aid of Leelo, the space alien who is lost and whose spaceship has run out of power. Together, they help search for Leelo's home. In doing so, they visit all the PLANETS in our solar system and meet another alien and robot, too! Their ADVENTURE has some twists and turns along the way, but in the end, Leelo makes it home, and Ella makes a very important decision—she is going to be an ASTRONAUT and fly in a rocket one day!                  Edited by Anna Patricia Cairns, Sunlight Publishers

Reader’s Favorite

 – Kristy Vee


Ella Says – I’m  Going to be an Astronaut! by Anu Misa is the perfect combination of science and adventure. With ‘out

of this world’ illustrations, tiny mice, and well-researched scientific references scattered throughout, Ella’s story is an adorable and entertaining one. She’s inquisitive, friendly, brave, and full of brilliant imagination. The colorful descriptions of each planet make learning about space super-fun and I absolutely loved the resource links in the back of the book to find out more. This is such a sweet tale and I really enjoyed reading it. It’s most definitely a five-star read and anyone between 1 and 100 years old is sure to love it!


Book 3
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It was finally the day Ella and her little dog Ollie had been anticipating all week—their family was going on an ADVENTURE to the AMUSEMENT PARK! But when Ella woke and looked out the window, she cringed. It was cloudy, and that meant she would have to wear the orange polka dot raincoat her grandfather hand-stitched for her. Ella really DISLIKED it because it was so UNIQUE. Their day at the park had some ups and downs, lead them to a lost kitten who needed their HELP and ultimately resulted in a big win for the whole family! Find out how Ella came to LOVE her dreaded raincoat and appreciate the IMPORTANCE of being DIFFERENT!

Reader’s Favorite

 – Emily-Jane Hills Orford


Anu D. Misa’s picture book story, Ella Says: It’s Cool to be Different!, is a charming story about the many ways we might appear different. Young readers will certainly relate to the main character, Ella, as she struggles with having to wear something she doesn’t like because it makes her stand out. But several things happen to Ella at the amusement park and young readers will learn alongside Ella how valuable this orange polka dot raincoat is. And, of course, that there’s always a valid reason why our parents insist we wear certain clothes. Why? Because, like Ella says, “It’s cool to be different.” Especially when these differences can become quite useful. I love the colorful illustrations that really pull this story along. A great read for young and old alike.

2020 Royal Winner Trans Background copy.

Certificate of Excellence in Literature

2020 Royal Dragonfly

Book Awards!

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Certificate of Excellence in Children's Literature

2021 Purple Dragonfly

Book Awards!

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Certificate of Excellence in Children's Literature

2021 Purple Dragonfly

Book Awards!

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Certificate of Excellence in Children's Literature

2021 Purple Dragonfly

Book Awards!




Designed to build confidence, knowledge and imagination 

while providing an opportunity

for creative expression.

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YOUR MISSION: be curious! It’s time to create, discover, laugh, draw, observe, count, write, colour, decode, imagine, unscramble, match, solve problems, and most importantly HAVE FUN!


111 AWESOME ACTIVITIES for hours of engaging, BOREDOM BUSTING, screen-free learning, and fun! Supports the development of important skills through games, mazes, crosswords, puzzles, positive affirmations, colouring pages, fun facts, silly jokes and more! Goes beyond the usual with a high-quality design featuring bright, full-colour illustrations, whimsical characters, and unique and varied activities. Every page is filled with wonderGreat at home and on-the-go. Makes an amazing gift for any child between the ages of 6 and 10.


This AWESOME book is filled with BOREDOM BUSTING activities! DRAW lots of stuff. WRITE stories – silly ones too – about SPACE and OOEY GOOEY sticky pink messes. DECODE messages – some that are SUPER SECRET.  SPOT THINGS like differences and the right route to take. CHECK how much pie and pizza is left. COLOUR things and then colour some more things. UNSCRAMBLE words and sometimes make new ones. Tell lots of funny JOKES. Search for words and MICE and GNOMES. Follow CLUES. Match things. SOLVE problems. Analyze and compare things like UNICORNS and fungi. Help a LOST KITTEN home. Help ALIENS with their mission. Find out who gets the CUPCAKE. Figure out what is in the TIME CAPSULE. Imagine what is making those STRANGE SOUNDS. Build ROBOTS and houses by drawing them. And much MORE!


If you've read the Ella Says children’s book series, you will be reunited with some old friends including Ella, Ollie, Parker, Leelo and others too!




Book 4
2020 Royal Winner Trans Background copy.

Certificate of Excellence in Literature

2021 Royal Dragonfly

Book Awards!



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Ella excitedly rushes home from school on the last day before Christmas break, thinking how WONDERFUL it will be to have the whole family TOGETHER for the holidays at grandpa’s house in nearby Jingleville. Her excitement soon turns into worry as she learns about a CRISIS at the animal shelter. Ella gazes at her little dog, Ollie, wishing every animal could be as happy and loved as he is. Step by step, she learns there is so much she can do to HELP the shelter! Together with her brother Parker, her dog Ollie, and the rest of her family, they put together a PLAN to save the shelter. With a little extra help from SANTA on Christmas Eve, they have the best possible outcome. Their ADVENTURE teaches Ella that GIVING is very rewarding and is the reason for her best CHRISTMAS ever!

Reader’s Favorite

 – Diana Lopez 


Even a small good deed can make a difference. … Anu D. Misa emphasizes this teaching in Ella Says: Let's Have a Giving Christmas. The story concerns Ella, an adorable little girl. When she begins her Christmas holiday, she sees a poster that conveys upsetting news. Scruffy Fluffies Rescue, the animal shelter, is in crisis and if they don't get help soon the place will have to be closed. … I liked the way that Anu D. Misa developed the story because it suggests a variety of ways that you can help an animal shelter. She even includes some practical advice at the end of the book. The text is simple and easy to understand, which is ideal for young readers. I liked the illustrations because their colorful images highlight the Christmas spirit, family collaboration, and good intentions. The characters are captivating. Ella and her family provide a great example to follow. They share good times and enjoy helping. … Ella Says Let's Have a Giving Christmas is a charming story, ideal for children to learn about empathy and collaboration.

Book 5


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