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Helping children get the most from reading the books in the Ella Says series!


I have developed TEACHING TOOL KITS to support each book in the ELLA SAYS series! They can be used to create enriched learning opportunities for children. In addition to story-specific activities, numerous activities related thematically to the Ella Says stories are provided that do not require knowledge of the book's storyline. The activities offer a great balance of fun and learning along with bright illustrations which are sure to keep children engaged!



  • Discussion activities to help further children’s comprehension and retention of the stories they have read.

  • Discussion activities to allow children to delve deeper into some of the messaging that the Ella Says stories communicate, including overcoming fear, being kind, working together, managing change, dreaming big, perseverance, being different.

  • Vocabulary activities to help children grasp some of the more complicated words being introduced in the stories.

  • Story writing activities allowing children to use the knowledge they have gained from the Ella Says stories in conjunction with their own imagination.

  • Lots of other activity pages too including, colouring, finding the hidden word, completing logic patterns, picture-word matching, crosswords, and much more.

"There are

so many engaging

activities included to

help kids get the most

from the story ... Such a

fantastic resource for

parents and other

educators too." 

--etsy customer

Each Teaching Tool Kit is sold as a digital file that can be downloaded and is divided into several sections starting with summary guidance pages which are followed by the individual children’s activity pages.

  • ABOUT THE STORY: story-based activities

  • BEYOND THE STORY: independent non-story-based activities

  • BONUS MATERIALS: independent non-story-based activities

  • SOLUTIONS: Solutions for activities, as appropriate

2020 Royal Winner Trans Background copy.
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